Metabolic Balance® Nutrition Program

Read more below.


Are you ready to fall in love with taking care of yourself?

Imagine if you could learn what foods work for your body, how to help your body get rid of toxins, shed some unwanted weight all while changing the way you think about eating and creating sustainable and long-term weight regulation.

Food is fuel. The foods you put into your body matter. Our body needs food, specifically its macronutrients – carbohydrates, fats and proteins; and micronutrients – vitamins and minerals  to maintain life and for our cells to grow. Your body CANNOT function properly without essential nutrients and basic food groups.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food
— Hippocrates

Are you struggling with any of the following?

You are in peri-menopause or menopause and struggle with your up and down hormones

You are stressed out but don’t really know what impact that can have on your body and overall health

You suffer from regular headaches or migraines and had enough

You gained a few pounds – what seems from one day to the other – and feel your clothes feel a bit too tight

You have no energy to do anything extra, play with your children, let alone take some time for self-care

You heard about blood sugar regulation but don’t really know what that means

You constantly seem sick with a cold or flu type symptoms and just can’t seem to catch a break

You were told that your cholesterol is too high and your blood pressure needs some help to

You can’t sleep well anymore, you either can’t fall asleep or wake up in the middle of the night and are wide awake

You suffer from digestive symptoms (even if you think they are “normal”), like gas, bloating, cramping, diarrhea, constipation

Your allergies seem to keep getting worse every year and you can’t get rid of the symptoms

You noticed that your body hurts all the time, you feel joint pain and inflammation is high

You don’t really know what to eat to feel good and struggle with constant cravings

You struggle with Rheumatoid Arthritis

You just don’t feel good anymore, you are constantly tired and don’t want to participate in anything

You keep putting self-care off - mostly because you don’t know where to start


This is where our Metabolic Balance® Nutrition Program comes in.

Your personalized Metabolic Balance® plan shows:

  • which foods to eat to provide the right nutrients you need

  • in what quantities these foods should be eaten

  • in which combination foods are best for you

  • when and how to consume these foods

  • how to maintain your new eating habits for long term sustainable success

Metabolic Balance® is a highly individualized nutrition plan. You are unique and so are the foods that are being assigned to you in your meal plan. No plan is the same. It is tailored to your needs – based on your health history, over 30 unique blood values, your likes and dislikes, your body measurements and other personal data. 


As your Metabolic Balance® Coach, I’m here for you. I will work with your individual needs and on your own pace. Your taste buds will change over time and you will become more aware of how certain foods will make you feel. We will work together to get you there. You have access to me as much as you need during our time together.

Although I don’t look at Metabolic Balance® as just being a weight loss program, independent studies have found that the Metabolic Balance® program is one of the top weight loss programs out there today.


Read the following and imagine how it would feel in your body:

I’m successful having lost these stubborn pounds and have been able to keep them off.

I experience less PMS symptoms, cramping, headaches and am able to function in the days before and during my period.

I don’t experience any headaches, migraines or brain fog anymore.

My skin looks amazing.

I feel lighter and my clothes don’t feel snug anymore.

I have more energy and am able to play with my kids and go outside with them.

I make my self-care a priority and choose to spend time on myself.

I have more knowledge which foods to eat for my body, but also what foods are healthier for my family.

I feel less pain in my body and in my joints.

I’m more motivated than before and feel more excited about my day.

I experience less inflammation in my body.

I am not hungry in between meals and don’t feel like I need to snack all the time.

I feel so much better about my body and my libido has increased.

My gut health has improved, I don’t feel any more bloating, gas or acid reflux.

I learned how to make health my number one priority.

For the first time in a long time I feel good in my body.


How do you want to feel?

This could be your health transformation.


What are you getting with the Metabolic Balance® Nutrition Program?


The Metabolic Balance® Nutrition Program includes: 

o   Extensive health history intake

o   Laboratory blood testing

o   Individualized meal plan

o   Nutrition and accountability coaching

o   Five hours of nutritional and nutrition plan 1:1 consulting

o   Access to the coach between sessions – unlimited texting and emails

o   Access to a closed FB group to find recipes, share your experience, and find support in a like-minded community

o   Plus a smart digital scale


Is this Program right for you?

  • You’re looking for a change and want to live a healthier, more balanced life.

  • You want to learn more about healthy food choices and how they affect your and your family’s bodies.

  • You’re open to working through your limiting beliefs and making some changes.

  • You’re clear on how you want to feel.

  • You’re ready to invest in your health.

  • You’re tired of spending money on various diets and don’t see any long term results.

  • You see a happier, healthier life for yourself and your family.


Still not sure if Metabolic Balance is right for you?

Book a FREE 15-minute phone consultation with me to determine if you are a candidate.